Electromagnetic Safety Alliance (ESA)

Categories: Access to Care and Coverage, Affordable Quality Housing, Community Safety, Economic Opportunity, Educational Opportunity, Environmental Quality, Healthy Community Design, Parks and Recreational Opportunities, Quality Affordable Food, Social and Cultural Cohesion, Social Justice, Transportation Options

The Electromagnetic Safety Alliance is dedicated to ensuring the protection of all living species –   humans, animals, plants and trees, from the harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation. ESA administers educational programs, provides information, and conducts research and other special projects. We manage The international Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (www.ICBE-EMF.org), a multidisciplinary scientific group, whose purpose is to make recommendations, based on the best peer-reviewed scientific research publications, that include, and go beyond, established numerical exposure guidelines.

In 2021, we produced the EMF Medical Conference, held online for over 800 attendees in 30+ nations for the purpose of educating and training health practitioners on how to recognize, diagnose and treat people with EMF related illness.  Qualified health practitioners were eligible to earn up to 24.5 CME/CEs at the time they attended the conference or, afterwards if they qualified by passing two courses based on the conference offered until July 1, 2023. In October 2023, all the EMF Medical Conference 2021 videos were posted on the conference website and can viewed at no charge at www.emfconference2021.com.