Autism Life and Living

Categories: Access to Care and Coverage, Affordable Quality Housing, Community Safety, Economic Opportunity, Educational Opportunity, Environmental Quality, Healthy Community Design, Parks and Recreational Opportunities, Quality Affordable Food, Social and Cultural Cohesion, Social Justice, Transportation Options

Individuals with autism and IDD face many barriers to accessing support services and education needed to live a healthy independent life. Autism Life and Living’s Well-Being Program takes a unique and holistic approach to eliminating these barriers by addressing our members physical, emotional, social and psychological components of health. Activities are aimed at strengthening such individual, environmental and social resources inclusive of psychological assets and skills essential for well-being. The goal is to empower these individuals to increase their life chances, take control over, and improve their health and ultimately their overall well-being. Living with a disability does not have to be a social determinant of health and well-being. See program categories below for details.